Apple Giving Up On Expensive VisionPro‽

Apple VisionPro

After all of that fanfare regarding the VisionPro, it appears as if Apple is realizing most people will not pay for an expensive product upfront that they can not justify using.

Apple has told at least one supplier that it has suspended work on its next high-end Vision headset, an employee at a manufacturer that makes key components for the Vision Pro said. The pullback comes as analysts and supply chain partners have flagged slowing sales of the $3,500 device.

The company is still working on releasing a more affordable Vision product with fewer features before the end of 2025, the person involved in its supply chain and a person involved in the manufacturing of the headsets said. Apple originally planned to divide its Vision line into two models, similar to the standard and Pro versions of the iPhone, according to people involved in its supply chain and former Apple employees who worked on the devices. [...]

Augmented reality is one of Apple's biggest bets. The company aims to eventually replace the iPhone with lightweight glasses, and the Vision Pro is the first step in building consumer and developer interest in that effort. (The Information)

If Apple truly desires to replace the handheld iPhone with face-wearing glasses, they need to normalize the habit of wearing augmented goggles in public.

However, without a high-end product, Apple will be limited in what features they can launch, dooming the augmented reality devices to the realm of gamers & geeks.

Making VisionPro Accessible Again

While Apple should launch a cheaper version of VisionPro (note: would they call it merely Vision instead of Vision Pro‽), the Cupertino giant should consider relaunching an LTE (Long Term Evolution) version, capable of utilizing the latest 5G speeds.

Attaching wireless capabilities to the device would enable carriers to sell VisionPro via their various installment payment plans, allowing more people to afford the device without breaking their bank accounts.

Wireless carrier installment plans are how tens of millions of individuals (including yours truly) can afford expensive iDevices, & if Apple had included a wireless option, VisionPro would have been a modest hit amongst the masses.

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