Instagram To Threaded For Mastodon: Lawyer Up Or Change Your Name

Threaded Icon

So Instagram is not thrilled with Threaded, an app by Lumaa that shares a similar look and name to Threads.

While Meta’s lawyers may not be able to force the app to change its look, they are threatening legal action against if does not change its name.

Threaded screenshot statement about Instagram threatening lawsuit

Threaded is in danger.

I have received a confidential email from Instagram, LLC about trademark issues. While this is ongoing, what could happen to Threaded?

The future of... Threaded?

  • What could happen is that Instagram, LLC forces me to change the name of Threaded into something different. This would have me change the logo, copyright, all of the promotional images and videos. This would take a few weeks to change.
  • Instagram, LLC could understand that Threaded is not similiar to one of their registered trademarks and dismiss this case.


If you have knowledge in American laws, or more specifically Californian laws, PLEASE. Reach out to me. This issue will take me literal years to handle as I barely know my rights. And if you didn't already know, I'm French. And I don't even know common American laws.

What's CURRENTLY next...

I am in a confidential discussion with Instagram, LLC. And I cannot disclose any confidential information. I will update you all on this very important issue. Even if it means that Threaded will have to change its name. (I hope not).

Final Words

This case is, on my end, documented to turn this into a video documentary or Lemmy post. Whatever happens to Threaded or its name, this project is my baby and I will fight whatever or whoever tries to go against me and my will. All future App Store updates are post-poned until this case is resolved.

Love you all, – Lumaa

Before the Fediverse folks grab their figurative pitchforks and digital tar and threaten to give a rowdy welcome, they need to realize that Instagram is required to file these legal actions to prevent the loss of its trademark.

Even though Lumaa’s app is specifically designed for Mastodon, the app has a similar look & feel to Threads, which could confuse users seeking out to join the latter.

Threaded is a great app, and instead of spending funds on lawyers, they could opt for a cooler name instead (say, “Needle” or something similar).

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